A Jingle to Help Me Remember What’s Important
Today, as I drove down the bumpy and curvy road to my house I heard it again. No longer worried that something was drastically wrong with that area of the car – the technician checked it out and found nothing, I thought about why I would be hearing this jingling. It reminded me of a watch beeping at the beginning of each new hour or a cell phone beeping when you’ve missed a call or a message. I once learned to use that watch chime on my watch as a reminder to get conscious, be in the moment, become aware of my surroundings at least once every hour. The cell phone beep reminds me to check my messages or missed calls.
Then I got it: The jingling in the car was a reminder, but of what? I got it again: It was reminding me of what I really need to be doing but am not doing – really writing, and really focusing on my writing goals. I have a book waiting to be written, and I’ve been avoiding it at every turn. I spend much too much time focusing my attention on other things. I need to focus on what I want – to find an agent for this book, to get a publishing contract for this book, and to write this book and have it be successful. I need to remember my goal. I need to remember my desire.
This summer I was so focused on achieving this goal, and I saw amazing results from my focused conscious thoughts, my visualizations, my prayers, my actions. And then, I got scared. Things happened…an agent became interested, I received encouragement, I was told I was on to something…and I realized I’d have to show up big time as what I said I wanted to be: A Published Author. I, who teach about moving through fear, was stuck in fear. I have been stuck in fear – fear that I won’t be successful, that I’ll disappoint the agents, that I won’t have anything to say, that I won’t feel the muse with me or the energy and wisdom flowing through me, out my fingers, onto the screen of my computer, and onto the pages of a manuscript. I needed to remind myself to walk across that “narrow bridge” towards my goals, towards my desires, towards who I really want to be.
And how do I do that? By doing it. By writing. And by focusing on my goal at all times. By visualizing it as already here. By praying “as if” not “for.” By seeing the book as a “done deal.” (See my newsletter at http://www.purespiritcreations.com/ for more information on how to pray to manifest your prayers.) And I haven’t been doing that enough.
I need to rekindle the joy of actually writing – to help others, to share my wisdom, to do what I feel God intended me to do, to be my best self. I have to remember the Jewish High Holy Days just past and how they reminded me to be my best self this coming year.
Now, as Jews around the world enjoy the holiday of Sukkot, I have to go into my sukkah, my temporary shelter, and remember to be joyous. This is a holiday of remembering joy and being joyous. I have to rekindle the joy of my writing…and I can’t do that unless I write. And I have to visualize, pray, focus on my desires, my goals as a writer, and feel the joy that will accompany actually manifesting those desires, achieving those goals as if I had already done so.
On that note, I’m off to write…but not before telling you to check out “The Secret,” a great DVD, on this same subject: manifesting your desires. It speaks to so much of what I believe and teach on both Jewish and secular circles.
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